
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

I'm taking a 3 month break!

I have been pondering and weighing and doubting, but the decision is final!

I'm taking a blogging break 😊.

I have been reading A LOT this year, but I have not been feeling the need to write reviews the past 6 months. I have tried to tone it down, but I just don't think it's working for now.

My blog has been online for 6 years and I'm so grateful for all the people I have met and got to know, but for now I'm taking a break. I will re-evaluate this in March of 2023.

You can still find me on Goodreads and Instagram!

When I feel the need to hop on your blogs I will do so, but I'm not making any promises. 

And if I feel the need to come back earlier, I will of course do this!

Esther out.


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~ Esther