Welcome, welcome my dear readers.
Welcome to the blog.
Last month I did not write a wrap-up. I hadn't finished any books, mainly because I did not read much. And when I was reading, it was in big books, so I had nothing to review. This month I did write some reviews and I've also bought some amazing books that I'm really excited to read!
For the first time since I have my 3 bookcases, I have sorted out all my books and have decided to take 60 books from my shelves and get rid of them. Yes, I did not mistype there, 60 books!! I have been giving away some of them to colleagues, friends and family and I'll bring the left overs to charity.
I do feel like I also haven't been reading much because I'm getting in a bit of a... Hmm, what to call it... Covid depression? I've been following the rules for 2 years, even celebrating my birthday last year with only 3 people. Wearing a face mask, social distancing, getting vaccinated. And now we're in a lockdown AGAIN. I really do feel like we should protect all the health care workers and doctors and nurses, but I also feel like I just want to be living again? I can't play sports anymore, go out, do fun things... It's just work, get home, sleep, repeat and I feel like I don't know what to do anymore? I have been keeping kinda quiet and low profile about this for the last 2 years, so now I just had to rant for a bit, I'm sorry! How's the situation over there?
Thanks for sticking with my blog and for reading!
Have a great month with amazing Christmas celebrations.