Hi there!
I'm glad you're still here in the new year, with me.
One month gone already.. Poof! It went by so fast. Haven't read that much, but I'm back on track and actually pretty glad about this month.
Had a busy month as well, but in February I have a whole week off from work, so I can read a lot. I'm also doing a lot of buddyreads so I'm excited about that too!
I asked you guys during my Giveaway which apples you liked most, and the colorful ones were chosen the most. So I'm sticking with those. Thank you for answering the poll, if you did!
Let's start with this month's wrap up.
Yay! Have a nice day 💖

(either from Celebrate Books, friends, authors, giveaways or self-bought)

Did you read any of the books above?
And what book are you excited for, next month?
Let me know what you think!