Started reading: January 1st 2022
Finished the book: January 10th 2022
Pages: 296
Genres: Fantasy, Vampires
Published: June 20th 2017
Source: Digital copy from the author
Goodreads score: 3.83
My score:
Mina and her allies have destroyed Vlad Draculesti, but the human world is still in danger from his vampire allies. From Berlin to Paris, major European cities have begun to fall to their followers. To spare humanity from the grip of looming darkness, Mina must defeat one of the most powerful vampires in the world...
A thrilling retelling of a classic tale, REALM OF NIGHT is the third book of the Mina Murray series.
A thrilling retelling of a classic tale, REALM OF NIGHT is the third book of the Mina Murray series.
My thoughts
It was a breath of fresh air; reading 3 books in a row in a trilogy. I usually leave a lot of time in between and I have no idea why. It's something I'm going to change! I do know that I liked this book the least of all of them. I think my order of favorites is 1,2,3. And that's mainly because I felt like the story was dragging on a bit and the third book had a lot of repetitions.
- Killing: I appreciate authors that are not afraid to let go of important characters or kill them in a book and especially in a series. This author is not afraid to do that and that surprised me in this third book. Some side characters did die before, but I felt like some of the bigger side characters were not left untouched either.
- Ending: This was the ending that I predicted. Even though I love authors throwing you a plot twist in the end, this was not the book and not the series to do that. I am content with this ending and it really fits the series overall.
- Different region: In all 3 books we stay in Europe, but we do visit a variety of different regions. This book takes place for a big part in Berlin, which is different from book 1 and 2.
- Repetition: This con is taking away 2 stars, because it bothered and annoyed me so much while the story evolved. There is so much repetition; Mina slips away from death way too many times for it to stay believable. Also the way the action scenes evolve were the same more or less: Mina gets grabbed by the throat and slammed against the wall. It was just a bit too much of the same.
This was an enjoyable trilogy about vampires with a bit of Dracula mixed in. There was a lot of traveling and that's something I've missed so much over the past two years. I loved to visit all these different places, mixed in with beloved characters and a fun plot, you have a trilogy that's easy and quick to read!
Thanks for reading!
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Memorable quotes from this book
"It's the sum of our actions which define us. Not single ones."
"I would urge you to focus on the light in the darkness, on the one thing that makes humanity worth fighting for: love."
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~ Esther