Started reading: June 5th 2022
Finished the book: June 14th 2022
Pages: 992
Genres: Fantasy
Published: October 8th 2019
Source: Bought the book
Goodreads score: 4.61
My score:

Aelin has risked everything to save her people-but at a tremendous cost. Locked within an iron coffin by the Queen of the Fae, Aelin must draw upon her fiery will as she endures months of torture. Aware that yielding to Maeve will doom those she loves keeps her from breaking, though her resolve begins to unravel with each passing day…
With Aelin captured, Aedion and Lysandra remain the last line of defense to protect Terrasen from utter destruction. Yet they soon realize that the many allies they've gathered to battle Erawan's hordes might not be enough to save them. Scattered across the continent and racing against time, Chaol, Manon, and Dorian are forced to forge their own paths to meet their fates. Hanging in the balance is any hope of salvation-and a better world.
And across the sea, his companions unwavering beside him, Rowan hunts to find his captured wife and queen-before she is lost to him forever.
With Aelin captured, Aedion and Lysandra remain the last line of defense to protect Terrasen from utter destruction. Yet they soon realize that the many allies they've gathered to battle Erawan's hordes might not be enough to save them. Scattered across the continent and racing against time, Chaol, Manon, and Dorian are forced to forge their own paths to meet their fates. Hanging in the balance is any hope of salvation-and a better world.
And across the sea, his companions unwavering beside him, Rowan hunts to find his captured wife and queen-before she is lost to him forever.
My thoughts
READ THIS SERIES! If you're a Fantasy fan, you HAAAVEE to read this series. And plz start with the 0.5 book: Assassins Blade. I see people starting with Throne of Glass, but I feel like Assassins Blade really gives you an impression who the main character is and also that book broke me into a million pieces and who wouldn't want that?!
- Characters: YES! This book has aaaallll the characters that you got to know in the previous books. Especially people who did not read Assassins Blade and Tower of Dawn will definitely miss out. It's great to have read everything in this series before starting the final book. The bonds between people in this book were so amazing to read. SJM is really good in writing friendships, love and hate and I enjoyed every second of it.
- War: It's WAR TIME, okay?! I've read many books where we prepare for a big battle and for it to be over in 1 chapter of a couple of pages. This book is full of the big war we've been preparing for many books to come now. It's war, war and war. It's brute, harsh and all so full of action. You will find yourself in multiple stages of the war and multiple locations. It was done so well.
- Feelz: If you pick up an SJM book, you know you will have ALL THE FEELZ. I cried, laughed, winced and snickered. I had all the feelz and was just enjoying every second of it!
- Writing style: I love the writing style of SJM. I've seen people who find it maybe a bit too slow, but it feels so easy and comfortable to me. I can just rush through the books she's writing, even this huge 992 page thing didn't feel like it didn't take any effort.
- Goodbye: Final book? Book hangover? I just really didn't want to say goodbye to so many beloved characters. Somewhere inside me is a little sprinkle of hope that one day SJM will come back to these characters and give me many more books full of adventure, friendship, love and much, much more!
Wait, whut?
You've seen me fangirling on SJM on my blog every now and then and I will keep doing it! If you're a fantasy lover, you just HAVE to read her books. And don't be scared because of the big books, it's so easy to get through with loads of things happening. Highly enjoyed this one, and really sad that it's now over...

Memorable quotes from this book
"I feel like someone has ripped me from myself. Like I'm at the bottom of the sea, and who I am, who I was, is far up at the surface, and I will never get back there again."
"They have nothing to fight for. And while we might not have their numbers, we do have something worth defending. And because of that, we can overcome our fear."
"Please. I am begging you. I am begging you, Lysandra, to go."
Her chin lifted. "You are not asking our other allies to run."
"Because I am not in love with our other allies."
Thanks for reading!
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