I do hope to make your day a bit better, by offering you a chance to win an Ebook Copy of a book I recently reviewed.
My review of The Many Adventures of Peter and Fi can be found here.
I did get a few comments of people who were curious about this book, so with this Giveaway I hope to give you all a chance to read this book.
I want to thank Kelvyn for offering me the book to review it, and for offering 5 Ebook Copies to the winners.
This giveaway is open worldwide, so read this post to get all your necessary information!
Make sure to provide me/us with all the necessary information in this Giveaway.
Only valid entries are able to win, so if a name, nickname or email address is asked, make sure to fill in the question box.
We're not able to see private information. You're safe to fill in the blanks.
Information only shows for the winner after the Giveaway has ended.

GIVEAWAY - Peter and Fi - 5 Ebooks
Click here for my other ongoing Giveaway!
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~ Esther