Welcome, welcome my dear readers.
Welcome to the blog.
Finally, things are starting to feel a little bit normal, especially because the schools in The Netherlands opened back up, which means that I could go back to work!
The government opened up the schools, with half of the kids in a classroom. That means I'm teaching 50% of my kids the one day, and the other 50% of the kids the next day.
This made me realize how much I've missed them and how much I've missed my job. I was inside the house all the time and I'm usually gone all the time. It feels good to be out the house every day and it gives me back a bit more of feeling like life is getting back to "normal". Next week all the restaurants will open, with half the customers and I'm going back to playing handball, so I feel very grateful.
I was able to read more, I could find the piece and quiet inside myself, so I'm happy about my blog posts this month. I decided to also pick up audiobooks again, since I felt like I missed that, now that I had to drive my car to work and back home again. That's usually the moment I love to listen to audiobooks.
Thanks for sticking with my blog and for reading!
Have a great month with loads of sunshine.

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I'd love to discuss books, so please share your thoughts!

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~ Esther