Started reading: August 13th 2019
Finished the book: August 24th 2019
Pages: 487
Genres: Fantasy, YA
Published: August 31st 2017
Source: Digital copy from author
Goodreads score: 4.07
My score:

In a realm where toxic mist sweeps the lands and magic is forbidden, all Bleak wants is a cure for her power.
Still grieving the death of her guardian and dangerously self-medicating with alcohol, Bleak is snatched from her home by the Commander of the King’s Army, and summoned to the capital.
But the king isn’t the only one interested in Bleak’s powers.
The leader of an infamous society of warriors, the Valia Kindred, lays claim to her as well, and Bleak finds herself in the middle of a much bigger battle than she anticipated.
Still grieving the death of her guardian and dangerously self-medicating with alcohol, Bleak is snatched from her home by the Commander of the King’s Army, and summoned to the capital.
But the king isn’t the only one interested in Bleak’s powers.
The leader of an infamous society of warriors, the Valia Kindred, lays claim to her as well, and Bleak finds herself in the middle of a much bigger battle than she anticipated.
My thoughts
I was so excited to read Heart of Mist, since I'd seen so many good reviews on it. I also checked Goodreads and lots of my friends gave the book 4/5 stars. I do read and have read a lot of YA Fantasy, but sometimes I find a book that is unique in the bunch. This book was unique as well and it's highly enjoyable. I definitely want to read the other books as well. It didn't feel like 487 pages at all.
- Not too much info: I love how the book starts off and you're not getting too much info. Some books are so in your face with giving you the necessary information. This book had exactly the right balance. It was really well done that the story and world building were clear to me, but the author gave me a little bit more info on the characters every chapter.
- Plot twists: There is a nice plot twist every chapter. Sometimes books feel a bit boring in the middle and have a huge ending, but this book gave you something every chapter. It's a smart move, because it makes you want to keep reading.
- Story lines: SO. WELL. DONE. You have different story lines in this book and slowly but surely they all come together one way or another. It's always so nice to read a book that is wrapping up like that. You're wondering the whole time what the characters and story lines have to do with each other. And finally getting the answers is so satisfying.
- Real evil: I do feel, like reading a lot of Fantasy YA, that if a book has someone or something evil, it should be REALLY EVIL. I need to feel the darkness coming from that person, to make it believable. The evil one in this book is much darker and much more powerful than you'd think at first.
- Wow effect: This is not meant to be mean, but I kinda missed a bit of a WOW. I've read a ton of Fantasy YA, and I feel like I'm growing a bit numb to some of the books and the endings. I just need something that will sweep me off my feet to give the book 5 stars.
Definitely a series that I'd love to continue reading. This book-series feels like it has much more in store for me and I have some questions that I need answers for. The characters are also a bunch of people that I'm not ready to leave. I hope I get the chance to read the other books as well!

Other opinions on this book
" A brilliant, absorbing read - I absolutely loved it. The dark, rich characterization, the wonderful wold building, the breathtaking plot and the beautiful writing make the whole experience a joy from start to finish."
- Alexandra Nahlous
" Heart of Mist is an incredible fantasy novel: magic, hints of romance, friendship, betrayal, secrets and deeply rooted plot twists abound. A unique fantasy series that I can see easily becoming one of my all-time favorite fantasy novels."
- The Book Tweeter
Memorable quotes from this book
"With a name like that, no wonder you feel sorry for yourself."
Thanks for reading!
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